Guys, I'm having trouble while trying to run kedro on Azure Function.
The error that I'm getting is No module named recsys
Does anyone know how to make sure the package wheel is installed when publishing the function to azure?
I'm executing the following command to publish it from local to Azure:func azure functionapp publish FUNC_APP_NAME
Further Info:
Here is my app folder
. βββ __pycache__ β βββ function_app.cpython-311.pyc βββ dist β βββ conf-recsys.tar.gz β βββ recsys-0.1-py3-none-any.whl βββ βββ host.json βββ local.settings.json βββ pyproject.toml βββ requirements.txt
import logging import subprocess import azure.functions as func app = func.FunctionApp() @app.route(route="DataPipeline", auth_level=func.AuthLevel.ANONYMOUS) def DataPipeline( req: func.HttpRequest, ) -> func.HttpResponse: try: [ "python", "-m", "recsys", "-r", "ThreadRunner", "--conf-source=dist/conf-recsys.tar.gz", ], check=True, capture_output=True, )"Data successfully saved to Blob Storage.") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error processing data: {e}") return func.HttpResponse( f"{e}\n{e.stderr}", status_code=500, ) return func.HttpResponse("DB Extraction Succeded")
--find-links dist azure-functions pyodbc sqlalchemy pandas recsys
hi @Hugo Barreto! since you already have a , are you doing pip install recsys-...-any.whl
anywhere in your process? otherwise it won't work
Hi @juanlu!
I'm struggling to make the pip install during build time when publishing the app into Azure.
I have no idea how to do it and I'm unable to find an answer online. I hoped someone already faced this issue and had a solution to share