Guys, I'm having trouble while trying to run kedro on Azure Function.
The error that I'm getting is No module named recsys
Does anyone know how to make sure the package wheel is installed when publishing the function to azure?
I'm executing the following command to publish it from local to Azure:func azure functionapp publish FUNC_APP_NAME
Further Info:
Here is my app folder
. ├── __pycache__ │ └── function_app.cpython-311.pyc ├── dist │ ├── conf-recsys.tar.gz │ └── recsys-0.1-py3-none-any.whl ├── ├── host.json ├── local.settings.json ├── pyproject.toml └── requirements.txt
import logging import subprocess import azure.functions as func app = func.FunctionApp() @app.route(route="DataPipeline", auth_level=func.AuthLevel.ANONYMOUS) def DataPipeline( req: func.HttpRequest, ) -> func.HttpResponse: try: [ "python", "-m", "recsys", "-r", "ThreadRunner", "--conf-source=dist/conf-recsys.tar.gz", ], check=True, capture_output=True, )"Data successfully saved to Blob Storage.") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error processing data: {e}") return func.HttpResponse( f"{e}\n{e.stderr}", status_code=500, ) return func.HttpResponse("DB Extraction Succeded")
--find-links dist azure-functions pyodbc sqlalchemy pandas recsys
I'm trying to read a csv file (by chunks) and then save the result as a parquet partitioned files. The following catalog raises a DatasetError:
"{company}.{layer}.transactions": type: pandas.ParquetDataset filepath: data/{company}/{layer}/transactions save_args: partition_cols: [year, month]The error:
DatasetError: ParquetDataset does not support save argument 'partition_cols'. Please use '
.PartitionedDataset' instead.
Hi Kedro Community!
I've came up with a solution that I believe is not quite optimal to my problem, but I'm quite lost with the provided possibilities and I'd like to check with you a better solution.
I have 3 tables stored in a DB that I want to query them daily and store the raw data then proceed to process it in my pipelines.
The tables are quite large, so I have to query it in chunks.
Current Solution:
I'm using PartionedDataset with underling pandas.CSVDataset (is there a better data format?)
_SQLQueryDataset: &SQLquery type: pandas.SQLQueryDataset credentials: db_espelho load_args: chunksize: 5 # testing only "DB.table1": <<: *SQLquery sql: ... "01_raw.{dataset}": type: partitions.PartitionedDataset path: data/01_raw/{dataset} dataset: type: pandas.CSVDataset save_args: index: False filename_suffix: ".csv"
def create_partitions(data_chunks: Iterator[DataFrame]) -> dict[str, Any]: return {f"part-{i:02d}": data for i, data in enumerate(data_chunks)}
function all chunks are loaded into memory. Is there a way to avoid that so I can save each chunk at a time?Guys, it may be a simple question, but I've noticed that git
is able to track the session_store.db
file. Shouldn't it be ignored ou is it recommed to track it in the repo?