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Updated 4 months ago

The purpose of the session_store.db file in a Kedro pipeline

At a glance

The purpose of the session_store.db file is to store the Kedro pipeline runs locally, which is useful for Experiment Tracking on Kedro-Viz. Community members can commit this file to version control if they want to share their local runs with other team members. However, this file is not required for Kedro to run. Community members can configure their Kedro project's file to comment out the relevant settings and prevent the creation of this file.

Hi guys, what is the purpose of the session_store.db file after you run a pipeline? Should it be committed to version control? Is it necessary for Kedro to run or is there a way to configure so this file won't be created?

1 comment

Hi , The purpose of session_store.db file is to store your kedro pipeline run locally. This is useful for Experiment Tracking on Kedro-Viz. Please have a look at these docs. You can commit it to VC if you want your local runs to be shared among other team members. This is not required by kedro run and you can comment out the below part from your kedro project's file so the file won't be created. Thank you

# Keyword arguments to pass to the `SESSION_STORE_CLASS` constructor.
# SESSION_STORE_ARGS = {"path": str(Path(__file__).parents[2])}

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