Hi everyone!
I'm trying to run the following node in Kedro:def test(a):
return 2+2
inputs=[ 'params:parameter'],
is in nodes.py and the node in pipeline.py. When I run kedro run --nodes test_node
I get the following log:
(pamflow_kedro_env) s0nabio@hub:~/kedroPamflow$ kedro run --nodes test_node [10/10/24 14:49:06] INFO Using '/home/s0nabio/miniconda3/envs/pamflow_kedro_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/kedro/framework/project/rich_logging.yml' as logging configuration. __init__.py:249 [10/10/24 14:49:07] INFO Kedro project kedroPamflow session.py:327 Illegal instruction (core dumped)I already ran Kedro in the active environment (Python 3.10.14) in a Windows machine and it Worked. Now I'm trying to run it in a Linux VM and is when I get the error. The only libraries I have installed are
birdnetlib==0.17.2 contextily==1.6.2 fsspec==2024.9.0 geopandas==1.0.1 kedro==0.19.8 kedro_datasets==4.1.0 librosa==0.10.2 matplotlib==3.6.2 numpy==1.23.5 pandas==2.2.3 pytest==8.3.3 PyYAML==6.0.2 scikit-maad==1.4.1 seaborn==0.13.2 statsmodels==0.14.4 tensorflow==2.17.0If I run
using python directley on the terminal instead of through Kedro I don't get the error. That's why I'm here beacause without any warnings and just when I try to run the simplest kedro node, I get the error.can you share your Kedro version? also can you uninstall tenserflow, and check if it runs ?
Hi , thank you for answering. Uninstalling tensorflow worked. Now the test node ran