Hey all. I recently stumbled across "React Flow" (link) while searching for an open source graph & node drag-and-drop solution.
Specifically, I am looking to create a UI for my team, which would allow for easy no-code pipeline creation, by presenting a list of available nodes (on the side, as "prewritten" functions) which can then be dragged-dropped-and-connected with the rest of the pipeline.
I am unsure if something like this would... 'play nice' with kedro-viz (now and/or in the future), but is there anyone who has thought about this before? If so, what did you do about it (ideally in combination with kedro/kedro-viz)?
[I have posted 2 relevant links below]
Link 1: Domino Project, with React Flow
Link 2: Dag Builder for Airflow
Specifically, I am looking to create a UI for my team, which would allow for easy no-code pipeline creation, by presenting a list of available nodes (on the side, as "prewritten" functions) which can then be dragged-dropped-and-connected with the rest of the pipeline.
I think at some point we've considered this in Kedro but can't pinpoint specific issues in which we've discussed it. maybe remembers
Yes, 'Pipeline Creation' has been a key idea for Kedro-Viz, especially to support low-tech users entering the Kedro ecosystem. You can check out the ongoing discussion here: GitHub discussion #1829.
It's still under consideration, and we are looking for user feedback before moving forward. Your upvote would be appreciated, and feel free to add a comment with your thoughts on how this feature could behave.
I recently heard of a team building off of https://github.com/FlowiseAI/Flowise to give their non-technical users this capability in their ML platform.
Years ago, I had looked into doing something similar using some package from the bio Python space (IIRC?); never actually materialized, and I'm sure there are much better tools now.