hey everyone,
Is there a way to run kedro-viz on docker without actually installing the lib? I am asking because i wanted to keep the env a bit clean and I thought docker for viz would be nice. Did anyone do that before?
Hi everyone,
I have the following files:settings.py
CONFIG_LOADER_ARGS = { "base_env": "base", "default_run_env": "local", "config_patterns": { # Also include models.yml in the catalog "catalog": [ "catalog*", "models*", "catalog*/**", "models*/**", "**/catalog*", "**/models*", ], } }
from kedro.framework.project import settings @fixture(scope='session') def config_loader(): kwargs = settings.CONFIG_LOADER_ARGS kwargs.update(env="test", base_env="base", default_run_env="test") return OmegaConfigLoader( conf_source=str(PROJECT_PATH / settings.CONF_SOURCE), **kwargs, )
Hey guys,
Me again 😄 I had a question regarding parquet dataset itself. I often encounter issues with custom datatypes during saving. For instance if i have a custom class in my dataframe i would like to still keep this as is - the reason why i use parquet -. I know there needs to be customer serializer/deserilizar code required to do this. I can for sure do it in my code but since it's io related, i believe it should be done in the dataset definition where i can somehow point to my custom which gets serialized before writing to file. I will work on the extended version now, i was wondering if it was discussed before?. i am happy to push this as a PR later
hey all,
I noticed something that when i define the following node:
node( func=sample_func, # name="sample_func" -> does not work when this is commented inputs="epubdf", outputs="result" )
kedro_session.run(node_names=['sample_func'])I get an error saying name doesnt exists but when i specify name parameter in node itself it works. I thought if i don't provide it, name would be equal to func name itself, no?
Hey everyone,
I was wondering if there was a way to do the node declaration as follows:pipelines/data.py
@node(inputs=..., outputs=...) def preprocess(...): ...The reason why i ask is because my nodes are growing and it is becoming a bit tiring to go import my function, do the kedro wiring and occasionally I have typos as i forgot about the function signature. Something like this would be quite nice to declare.
Hey guys,
Do we know how to pass credentials to a node in kedro? Is it only meant to be accessed by a dataset loader? I have a code that makes API calls (LLMs) and either I get them set as env or pass them from my local credentials? I can manually load for sure but i was looking for a better way. Maybe similar to parameters, credentials: openai