Hello 🙂 I'd like to read a BigQuery table using spark.Dataset
, but I'm getting an error saying that I need to configure the project ID. Has anyone encountered this issue before?
Spark Session :
spark.jars.packages: io.delta:delta-spark_2.12:3.2.0 spark.jars: <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://storage.googleapis.com/hadoop-lib/gcs/gcs-connector-hadoop3-latest.jar,https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/google/cloud/spark/spark-bigquery-with-dependencies_2.12/0.36.1/spark-bigquery-with-dependencies_2.12-0.36.1.jar">https://storage.googleapis.com/hadoop-lib/gcs/gcs-connector-hadoop3-latest.jar,https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/google/cloud/spark/spark-bigquery-with-dependencies_2.12/0.36.1/spark-bigquery-with-dependencies_2.12-0.36.1.jar</a> spark.sql.extensions: io.delta.sql.DeltaSparkSessionExtension spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog: org.apache.spark.sql.delta.catalog.DeltaCatalog spark.hadoop.fs.gs.impl: com.google.cloud.hadoop.fs.gcs.GoogleHadoopFileSystem
DatasetError: Failed while loading data from dataset SparkDataset(file_format=bigquery, filepath=/tmp/dummy.parquet, load_args={'table': project_id.dataset_id.table_id}, save_args={}). An error occurred while calling o45.load. : com.google.cloud.spark.bigquery.repackaged.com.google.inject.ProvisionException: Unable to provision, see the following errors: 1) [Guice/ErrorInCustomProvider]: IllegalArgumentException: A project ID is required for this service but could not be determined from the builder or the environment. Please set a project ID using the builder. at SparkBigQueryConnectorModule.provideSparkBigQueryConfig(SparkBigQueryConnectorModule.java:102) while locating SparkBigQueryConfig Learn more: <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://github.com/google/guice/wiki/ERROR_IN_CUSTOM_PROVIDER">https://github.com/google/guice/wiki/ERROR_IN_CUSTOM_PROVIDER</a> 1 error ====================== Full classname legend: ====================== SparkBigQueryConfig: "com.google.cloud.spark.bigquery.SparkBigQueryConfig" SparkBigQueryConnectorModule: "com.google.cloud.spark.bigquery.SparkBigQueryConnectorModule" ======================== End of classname legend: ========================
Hello everyone 😄 !
I'm currently using kedro-airflow to generate my Airflow DAGs from my Kedro project. I followed the recommendation in the documentation and used a custom template to adapt the DAG for execution on Cloud Composer.
According to the documentation, it is possible to create TaskGroups if needed: Kedro-Airflow Documentation.
I’d like to group multiple nodes into TaskGroups, but I can't find any parameters that are automatically passed to the Jinja2 template to enable this grouping.
Has anyone done this before? Or does anyone know exactly what the documentation is referring to?
Thanks in advance!
Subject: Dependency Issue Between Two Nodes in Kedro
Hello everyone,
I’m facing an issue regarding dependency management between two Nodes in Kedro, and I’d appreciate your insights 🙂
I have a Node A that is supposed to be a dependency for Node B. However, Node A does not return any data as output, which prevents me from creating an explicit link between these two Nodes in the pipeline. As a result, Node B can execute before Node A, which is not the desired behavior.
My question is: how can I force Kedro to treat Node B as dependent on Node A, even if Node A doesn’t produce any output data? Is there a clean way to define an explicit dependency between two Nodes in this case?
Thanks in advance for your help! 😊
Subject: How to Initialize a Delta Table That Doesn't Exist Using Kedro?
Hello everyone,
I’m facing an issue related to the Delta library. When I attempt to read a Delta table using spark.DeltaTableDataset
, I receive a message stating that the table does not exist. This is expected since the table hasn't been created yet. However, my goal is to initialize the table with data that I will subsequently provide.
Unfortunately, the DeltaTableDataset
does not support write operations. Does anyone know how to handle the initialization of a Delta table in this scenario?
Currently, I am working on a custom hook using the @hook_impl
@hook_impl def before_dataset_loaded(self, dataset_name: str, node: Node) -> None: # My logic to initialize the Delta tableThe idea is to initialize the Delta table (if it doesn’t already exist) using PySpark within this hook. However, I am struggling to dynamically retrieve the schema of the table for its creation.
Hello 🙂
I would like to know if, when generating the Airflow DAG for a Kedro project using the kedro-airflow
tool, is it possible to create a separate DAG for each pipeline in the project rather than a single DAG per project? If so, how can I configure each DAG to specify start times and other parameters for each DAG corresponding to each pipeline in the project?
Hello, I would like to know how to manage merge conditions with Kedro for Delta tables. For example: whenMatchedUpdate()
ISSUE: Deployment of Kedro Pipelines on GCP with Dataproc and Cloud Composer
I am conducting a POC with Kedro on a GCP environment and need assistance deploying my Kedro project in a GCP-compatible format. The goal is to package the Kedro project for execution on Cloud Dataproc clusters.
The intended workflow is as follows:
I would like to work with Delta Tables using PySpark in a GCS bucket, but I'm having trouble using spark.DeltaTableDataset
table_name: type: spark.DeltaTableDataset filepath: "<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="gs://XXXX/poc-kedro/table_name/*.parquet">gs://XXXX/poc-kedro/table_name/*.parquet</a>"Could you tell me what might be wrong with this?
Hi everyone,
I’m a Data Engineer, and my team is working on multiple pipelines, each addressing different use cases (1 use case = 1 pipeline). We have both ingestion pipelines and export pipelines delivering data to various clients.
We’re considering grouping certain nodes into a common library to be shared across these pipelines. I wanted to ask if this is considered a good practice within the Kedro framework. If so, could you recommend an approach or best practices for implementing this?
Additionally, do you have any recommendations for structuring a Kedro project when working with multiple pipelines like this?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Best regards,
El Guendouz Mohamed