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Handling Session and Stats Files in a Git Project

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The post discusses the recommended way to handle session_store.db and stats json files in a Git project. The community member notes that session_store.db is almost always a conflict on merge, but is easy to handle. They are curious if there is additional logic recommended or if some people simply .gitignore these files.

In the comments, another community member suggests that if the user is not looking for collaborative experiment tracking, they can ignore the session_store.db file from version control. Additionally, if the user is using KedroViz version 9.2.0 or later, these files are placed inside the .viz folder, which can be .gitignored.

What's the recommended way to handle session_store.db and stats json in a git project? session_store.db is almost always a conflict on merge. It's easy to handle but was curious if there is additional logic recommended or if some people .gitignore these files.

1 comment

Hi Dylan, Thanks for raising the issue. If you are not looking for collaborative experiment tracking, you can ignore this file from version control. Also if you are using KedroViz >= 9.2.0, these are placed inside .viz folder which can be gitignored. Thank you

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