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Updated 3 months ago

Error saving dataframe to snowpark table dataset

At a glance

Hello Team,
I want to save a df back to a Snowpark Table dataset object, but im running into this error

DatasetError: Failed while saving data to data set SnowparkTableDataset(...).
'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'write'
Code snippet in thread, please let me know if there is a way to do this πŸ˜„ Thanks so much!


def push_output_to_snowflake(
    classified_text: pd.DataFrame,
    required_cols: list[str],
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """ingests classified text and saves into Snowflake

        classified_text: pd.DataFrame

    # clean up the classified dataframe
    classified_text = process_dataframe(classified_text, required_cols)
    return classified_text


in catalog.yml
  type: kedro_datasets.snowflake.SnowparkTableDataset
  table_name: x
  database: x
  schema: x
  credentials: snowflake_creds
    mode: append
    column_order: name
    table_type: ''

I see the push_output_to_snowflake function returns a pandas dataframe. Instead can you convert it to Snowpark df before saving it back to Snowflake ?

will try that
so that would be using the Session.builder.configs to create a session and then using write_pandas?

I was suggesting to convert the pandas df to snowpark_df in your push_output_to_snowflake function as SnowparkTableDataset loads and saves Snowpark dataframes. So the function will return a df of type snowflake.snowpark.DataFrame . You can try using -
snowpark_df = session.create_dataframe(pandas_df, schema=schema)

Any recommended way to create a session?
im trying to use Session.builder.configs but that doesnt seem to work with omegaconfig resolver and oauth (as I need to fetch the token from snoflake container service)

Hi Akshata, Session.builder.configs(connection_params).create() should create the session. Could you tell us what is not working or if there are any errors that are thrown ? I did not fully understand if the issue is with getting the token or something else.

Also, I suppose your application should have already created a singleton session somewhere, unless this is the first time you are creating a session.

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