Hello everyone, how are you? I have an application that is using the Kedro Boot
library to transform part of the Kedro pipelines into an API. The thing is, recently the application started to break without any dependency changes (suspicion of an internal dependency). Has anyone encountered this before? Could you provide some support?
Here is the reference to the GitHub issue: Can't instantiate abstract class KedroBootAdapter with abstract method _get_executor · Issue #40 · takikadiri/kedro-boot
Hey guys!
I have a project where I have a requirement to link to Azure App Insights, so I'm trying to set up a hook to modify the default behavior of logs in kedro. Does anyone have experience with this?
class LoggingHooks: @hook_impl def on_pipeline_start(self, pipeline, catalog, run_params, **kwargs): logger = logging.getLogger("kedro") credentials = CONFIG_LOADER_CLASS.get('credentials', {}) if not (app_insights := credentials.get('app_insights')): logger.warning('Could not configure App Insights!') return azure_handler = AzureLogHandler( connection_string=app_insights.get('conn_string') ) logger.addHandler(azure_handler) console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() console_handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] - %(name)s: %(message)s") ) logger.addHandler(console_handler) logger.propagate = False